Friday, 03 July 2020 21:15

Virginia M. Mallory

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Virginia M. Mallory, Real Estate Broker & Friend of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Mother, My Grandmother and Great-grandmother, 

Born December 1,1929    Chicago, IL     

Died February 14, 2020  (Valentine’s Day 2020)

Grandma Gina (or “Glamma Gina”as the little ones nicknamed her) was the most outstanding example of true faith that I personally have ever encountered.  She often mesmerized us with countless stories of the many miracles in her life and in our family, so many that she deserves an entire book dedicated to her alone (coming soon)! 

Anyone who knew her commented on her dedicated and romantic love affair with my grandfather, Melvin A. Mallory.  In the 14 magical days that we  got to spend with her as she lay on her deathbed, she repeated many of many of her stories from her 90 wonderful years here on earth!  She taught us lessons of life and said endless prayers, in fact, she prayed continually.  

One of the most treasured moments we received was written out on four small pieces of paper in her own words.  It was entitled:


COMPROMISE is the #1  Art of Happiness

We all like to have our way or our say so.

A “DAILY DOSE OF LOVE” is rule # Two 

Just as your house plants need sunshine and nourishment, so does your love for each other need Daily Love and care.

Number three is “COMPLIMENTS”

If you can’t always say it - write it.  Love notes can be read over and over and even last forever!

Number four is a “CLOSE UNION” in all you do each day. Play, pray, clean house, cook and shop together.  It will strengthen your need for each other.

Number five- EXTEND YOURSELF in all ways to your spouse to show interest in everything he does all ways.   You will find out how your efforts will rebound happiness.

Number Six - Show your APPRECIATION for all he does for you.  No one can resist appreciation.  It does work wonders in responding.

Number Seven - Keep the SPARKLE in your eyes that lights him up!  Try a simple hug.  It will ignite the moment it is given with love!

Number Eight is KINDNESS .  Kindness is the definition of Love.  You will see how Love is born if you extend Kindness each day.

Number Nine is MAKE A DATE with him.  Remember your early days and thrills enjoying time together?  Make time for each other once a week and hold hands when you walk.

Number Ten - Call him with SWEET WORDS like honey or sweetheart.  It can soften a cold heart.  Make a statement like “What can I do to make you happy today?”  It acts like an immediate cure for a cold heart.

Number Eleven is very important.  ASK HIM, “Have I told you lately that I love you?  Well I do, I do!”

Number Twelve is KISS EACH OTHER each time you leave home or arrive home.  (Time is so precious.  You never know.)

And also remember, their rules work in reverse for him too!

These were mine and my Dear Spouse Melvin’s rules  for a Happy 45 years of marriage!

Married in 1949, they truly were a Cinderella and a Prince Charming!

Read 2579 times Last modified on Friday, 03 July 2020 21:25

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